



The Universal Avenue Salvation System_20191129_Rev

  • The Universal Avenue Salvation System_20191129_Rev



[Morning Merits]
The Heart Sutra (to be recited for 7 times)
[verse of transference- to attain rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land]
《般若心經》 (7)+ 囘向自身往生極樂
Amitabha’s Holy Name Chanting (1000 times)
[verse of transference- to attain rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land]
阿彌陀佛聖號 (1000聲)+ 囘向自身往生極樂

[Evening Merits]
The Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva (1 time)
《地藏菩薩本願經》 (1 部)+ 小回向 (三類衆生)
[verse of transference- addressed to three major groups of sentient beings]
Di-Zang pusa/Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Holy Name Chanting (1000 times)
[verse of transference- addressed to three major groups of sentient beings]
地藏王菩薩聖號(1000聲)+小回向 (三類衆生)

The Ritual of Transcendence
[to be performed 1-2 times/needs-based per day]

Morning Merits Part 1 早課 I

Step 1 To Recite a Vow to Attain Rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Vow to Attain Rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land 發願往生極樂
With utmost sincerity, I, XXX (name of the reciter), hereby would like to make a solemn vow that I shall attain a rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land upon the end of my present life. May I maintain the righteous thoughts, to be free from false illusions and distortions at the last moments of my life. Moreover, may Buddha and Bodhisattva lead and receive me to Amitabha’s Pure Land upon the end of my life. May all sentient beings to break free from the vicious cycle of transmigration, and to accomplish enlightenment. Amitabha.      
Step 2: To Recite the Heart Sutra般若心經 (7
The Heart Sutra (to be recited for 7 times)
Step 3: To Recite the Verse of Transference 囘向自身往生極樂
Verse of Transference (to attain rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land)
I, XXX (name of the reciter), would like to transfer the merits and virtues, if any, accrued from the reciting of The Heart Sutra for 7 times / n times to attain rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land. May I maintain the righteous thoughts, to be free from false illusions and distortions at the time of my death. Moreover, may Buddha and Bodhisattva lead and receive me to Amitabha’s Pure Land upon the end my life. May all sentient beings to break free from the vicious cycle of transmigration, and to accomplish enlightenment. Amitabha.      

Morning Merits Part 1 早課 2

Step 1 To make a Vow to Attain Rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land
Vow to Attain Rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land 發願往生極樂
With utmost sincerity, I, XXX (name of the reciter), hereby would like to make a solemn vow that I shall attain a rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land upon the end of my present life. May I maintain the righteous thoughts, to be free from false illusions and distortions at the last moments of my life. Moreover, may Buddha and Bodhisattva lead and receive me to Amitabha’s Pure Land upon the end of my life. May all sentient beings to break free from the vicious cycle of transmigration, and to accomplish enlightenment. Amitabha.      
Step 2: To Chant the Amitabha’s Holy Name 阿彌陀佛聖號(1000聲
Amitabha (to be chanted for 1000 times)
Step 3: To Recite the Verse of Transference囘向自身往生極樂
Verse of Transference (to attain rebirth in the Amitabha’s Pure Land)
I, XXX (name of the reciter), would like to transfer the merits and virtues, if any, accrued from the chanting of Amitabha’s holy name for 1000 times / n times to attain rebirth in Amitabha’s Pure Land. May I maintain the righteous thoughts, to be free from false illusions and distortions at the last moments of my life. Moreover, may Buddha and Bodhisattva lead and receive me to Amitabha’s Pure Land upon the end of my life. May all sentient beings to break free from the vicious cycle of transmigration, and to accomplish enlightenment. Amitabha.      

Evening Merits Part I 晚課 1

Step 1: To Recite the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva
The Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva (to be recited for 1 time)
地藏菩薩本願經》 (一部)
Step 2: To Recite the Verse of Transference
Verse of Transference (to be addressed to the Three Major Groups of Sentient Beings) 小囘向 (回向三類衆生)
I, XXX (name of the reciter), would like to transfer the merits and virtues, if any, accrued from reciting of The Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva to my friends, foes, and karmic creditors, sixth blood relatives, and destined sentient beings. May they soon be free from pain and suffering, and able to obtain happiness.        
Given the length of the Sutra, it is also okay to only recite a portion of the sutra per day (rather than the entire sutra). The verse of the transference to be adjusted accordingly according to the completed portion of the sutra. For example: “merits from reciting Part I/n chapters of the Sutra to….”.  

Evening Merits Part I 晚課 2

Step 1: To Chant the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Holy Name  
Di-Zang pusa /Earth Store Bodhisattva (to be chanted for 1000 times)
地藏王菩薩聖號 (1聲)
Step 2: To Recite the Verse of Transference
Verse of Transference (to be addressed to the Three Major Groups of Sentient Beings)
囘向 (回向三類衆生)
I, XXX (name of the reciter), would like to transfer the merits and virtues, if any, accrued from the chanting of 1000 times / n times of the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s holy name to my friends, foes, and karmic creditors, sixth blood relatives, and destined sentient beings. May they soon be free from pain and suffering, and able to obtain happiness.    

下一篇:Ritual of Transcendence (The Condensed Version 2.0 2019)